What is the iMD Companies INC. ticker symbol?

Our common stock ticker symbol is (OTC: ICBU)

What exchange does iMD stock trade on?

iMD common shares are traded on the OTC Pink Sheets.

How can I obtain the iMD’s stock price?

Are you on a calendar or different fiscal year?

We are on a calendar year that ends December 31.

What is the iMD (OTC: ICBU) CUSIP number?

The CUSIP # for ICBU is 44969G 10 1

Where can I get information on the Company?

Our website at www.imdcompaniesinc.com, along with OTCMarkets.com which are provided on our website, are the most comprehensive sources. Also, see also our list of social media accounts, below.

What year and where was iMD incorporated?

The Company was incorporated in 2010 in the state of Florida.

Where is iMD Inc’s corporate headquarters?

Our offices are located at11321 Trade Center Dr,#255 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

Does iMD have a direct stock purchase plan or a dividend reinvestment plan?


Does iMD pay a dividend?

No, as a developmental stage company, iMD plans to reinvest cash flow back into the business for the foreseeable future.

How can investors contact iMD investor relations?

Contact us at [email protected]

How can I follow the Company on social media?

Contact Us



(650) 222-2863



11321 Trade Center Dr,
#255 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

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