Where is iMD Companies stock traded?
iMD Companies stock is traded on the pink sheets.

What is the ticker symbol?
The company ticker is ICBU


How do I purchase iMD Companies stock?
Since the company does not have a direct stock purchase plan, you can purchase shares of the ICBU by contacting any retail stockbroker or online brokerage service.


I am a potential Shareholder of iMD Companies; how may I receive an Investor Kit?
Visit our contact page and fill out the form to request investor information.


Who is the iMD Companies stock transfer agent?
Olde Monmouth Stock Transfer Co., Inc.
200 Memorial Parkway
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Phone (732) 872-2727
Fax (732) 872-2728


When does iMD Companies fiscal year end?
The company’s fiscal year is December 31st, the same as the calendar year.